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Operation and Maintenance藍空

Operation and Ma業你intenance

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As the national rail tra訊術nsit network extended more, socializa他拿tion and marketization are the 鄉爸development trends of modern rail t信山ransit maintenance t懂明arget, and outsourced maintenance o輛還f equipment is currently a more p有微opular maintenance 遠木mode in China.

The rail transit operation and mainte區事nance provided 年票by the company is 開讀to ensure the normal operati知在on of system equipment and provi討林de reliable and stable sys文問tem business for the rail transit o快機peration organization. According你花 to maintenance 樂劇procedure regulat了說ions, operating sta章對ndards and operatin山站g instructions, the rou些美tine inspection and main中購tenance of the equipment說農 under the jurisdiction of the com的女missioned authority近作 should be well done on technical serv問到ice work in main現草tenance, annual inspection of 不弟equipment, troubleshooting, emergen這制cy repair services, on-site 樹報support, and technica木大l transformation. Keeping 一章to the principle of "prevention-o內裡riented, combination of anti-robbery"樹也, the company impleme體畫nts a post-responsi刀車bility system of "main我放tenance responsibility to people, cent音信ralized repair an機習d unified command", with a high路北 starting level and strict requir短白ements, and performs qualit們什y control on the entire proc畫明ess of repair and maintenance to ensur西工e project quality. Adhe醫的re to the principle of serving cust身件omers, establish th近煙e idea of quality線遠 first, carefully c她身omplete the maintenance plan, giv時拍e full play to the effectiveness of 長窗the equipment, keep the equip謝那ment in right cond工工itions, and take "techn看些ical excellence to ensure什子 strong" as the科暗 goal of maintenance w討他ork.

The company is willing to p但放rovide operation and maintenan劇到ce services for rail tr現愛ansit operating companies and telec是這ommunications ope訊動rators nationally, guarantee the 唱少safety of rail transit line ope藍得rations, and contribute to the heal子兵thy development of rail transit短長 in China.

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