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System Integratio司到n

The company"s system inte到來gration internally provides t拍爸echnical support for 黑又major project construction; and 嗎現externally provides technical se拍體rvices such as sy們學stem solution des自去ign, testing, on-site implement樹綠ation and train拍做ing.

The main system integration services i拍友nclude:

1. Railway comm鐵校unication system, railway passenger 到山service system, railway G師你SM-R under low voltage field system, r內農ailway operator public network system,關他 etc. system integrations.

2. System integra長信tion of the communication system, disa線的ster warning system光輛 (FAS), and pass了愛enger information system (PIS) of the u金工rban rail transit industry. The了說 communication syst日文em can include transmissio現銀n subsystems, business telephone 河綠subsystems, dedicated telep些的hone subsystems, and dispatchi務業ng wireless subsyste木道ms, Public security w新坐ireless subsystem,員錢 firefighting wireless短分 subsystem, television mo身飛nitoring subsystem兒弟, broadcast subsystem, clock s冷但ubsystem, power subsystem, p匠都ublic network wi謝內reless introduction sub會離system, etc.

3. Low voltage equipment s視懂ystem integration in the intellige要得nt building industry, in如司cluding integra算兒ted wiring subsyst身司em, cable television s事黑ubsystem, telephone com市坐munication subsystem, network communica姐舞tion subsystem, perimeter preven短志tion subsystem, acce愛美ss control subsystem, closed-circui森動t television monitoring subsys上農tem, visual control Lecture s快見ubsystem, burglar ala拍你rm subsystem, electron綠樂ic patrol subsystem, vehicle acc秒你ess management subsystem, backgro電銀und music and emergency broadc書下ast subsystem.

The company keeps customer會科-oriented princip他讀le and provides "r日個eliable products, fr錯北iendly solutions, and first-爸懂class services". Based on solid t好照echnical supports大嗎, we serve customers various int有金egration projects in the fields of rail水離way, urban rail transit, a醫人nd intelligent build著就ings, etc.

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