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System Integration

System Integration

Word:[Big][Middle][Small] QR Code 2019/11/28   中個  Viewed:   &nb北弟sp;

The company"s system inte線木gration internally provides雨舊 technical support for major 如快project construc藍雪tion; and externally吧知 provides technical services such 坐會as system solution design, testin裡木g, on-site imple厭是mentation and training.

The main system integration ser小物vices include:

1. Railway communicatio動頻n system, railway passenger s紅行ervice system, railway GSM-R 答女under low voltage field 現靜system, railway operator public net司知work system, etc. system integ身分rations.

2. System integration of th但外e communication syste議金m, disaster warning syst師這em (FAS), and pass店錢enger information system 時少(PIS) of the urban ra相煙il transit industry. The commu木費nication system can includ弟林e transmission subsyst妹船ems, business telephone subsyste很又ms, dedicated telephone subsystem我東s, and dispatching wirele喝銀ss subsystems, Pu裡算blic security wireless subsystem, fir樹風efighting wireless subsystem國樂, television monitoring subsystem, bro工土adcast subsystem, clock s章讀ubsystem, power subsystem,公她 public network wireless introduction s中鐘ubsystem, etc.

3. Low voltage equipment system integr來花ation in the intelligent buildin靜廠g industry, including int科理egrated wiring 看微subsystem, cable te就都levision subsystem, telephone co學作mmunication subsystem, network communi用不cation subsystem, perime好街ter prevention subsyst街為em, access control su能輛bsystem, closed-circuit t畫遠elevision monitoring sub可畫system, visual cont近訊rol Lecture subsystem, burgla樹北r alarm subsystem, elect喝姐ronic patrol subsy但線stem, vehicle access managemen員一t subsystem, background music and emerg有錯ency broadcast subsystem.

The company keeps customer-or懂照iented principle and prov吧會ides "reliable pro也自ducts, friendly solutions, and答行 first-class services". Based on s子業olid technical supports, we門都 serve customers variou工爸s integration projects in the fields of坐做 railway, urban ra還紙il transit, and intelligent bui身去ldings, etc.

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