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Project Implementation

Project implementation

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As it’s established,唱東 the company has focused on various p她樂roject implementation. A電土t present, the company’s fundame快兒ntal construction includes: 那錢railway electrical 喝湖engineering industry contract會來ing level III, communicati慢錯ons engineering industry general 師服contracting level III作光, electronics and i志讀ntelligent engineeri短金ng industry contracting level III, 笑飛and construction labor service enterpri員了ses. Certificated labor 他吃subcontracting grade.

The company mainly undertakes c冷紙ommunications, si能熱gnaling, and informat白呢ion engineering in the railway an熱唱d  urban rail 吃哥transit  are東秒as: communications, signalin麗吧g, security, automatic姐個 ticket sales, comprehen路大sive monitoring, fire alarm sy快子stem engineering 習報under high voltage;黃現 and some constructi村跳on projects with low voltage such高東 as information engineering, secu雜務rity engineering in the intelligent 鐘地building industry; 北紅and main networks in the telecommuni歌生cations industry , metropolit事船an area network and i湖村ts accession, municipal inf就身ormation pipeline and muni見些cipal tunnel wireless communication con爸物structions; and various wired錯車, wireless communica購關tion, and informat裡理ion projects in other indust木門ries.

The company, over 1,000 e劇跳mployees, has variou器快s experts and senior technica是鐵l persons, including international pro校生ject management profe雪呢ssional qualification熱紙s (IPMP) managers, senior professiona制金l managers, professional manag這個ers, national registered top l子快evel (I, II) builders. In 工市terms of personnel, design, techn現森ology, equipment, capital a校好nd management, the 錢還company has capabilities商地 of fulfilling busines北喝s general and subcontract contracts,妹快 and even construction machiner討厭y and advanced instruments.來腦

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