1. R & D clie呢訊nt-oriented ser廠場vices
The company satisfies requirement紙習s from customers as the fundamental坐遠 principle of t高理he company. It re歌到lies on the research and developmen有對t center; and takes the c科書ooperation of universities as the ma對站in technical supports; provides custome工化r-fitted R & D services for clie費低nts to help them山日 to work out their project commun下動ication, signal, a場舊nd information professional fields.
2. Integrated tec錯放hnical services
The company keeps custom了吧er-oriented principle and provides "r長著eliable products, friendly solution通章s, and first-class services"件雨. as a target; an音好d provides customers 民兵with the system int現城egration and comprehensiv訊少e information in the fields o紙機f railways, urban 校內rail transit, local railway請制 dedicated lines, and intelligent bui機人ldings. Location integration servi分個ces have established a profession長高al company image in the東章 industry.
3. Engineering and technical serv子小ices
a. Railway communication,一湖 signal, information system en坐報gineering technology serv快樹ices
The ability to provide h姐雜igh-speed railways and passen中務ger dedicated li現器nes with high-speed saf能話e and reliable comm頻要unication transmis在她sion and signal contro朋算l system technical services, in草房cluding technica生話l services such as fail-s道畫afe equipment, commissioning tests, war笑內ranted repair and maintenance serv山熱ices. It also provides monitorin很兒g systems and technical services fo照門r the GSM-R wireless network 東但system for high-speed railway tr廠聽ain control and dispatchin店刀g.
b. Railway special lin得畫e communication, signal, informa會為tion and power system engine匠慢ering technical services
The ability to provide 紅視safe and reliable com西去munication trans河錢mission and signal cont呢呢rol system technical ser歌月vices for local r從樹ailway dedicated lines, i區白ncluding techni分電cal services such as fail-safe system了這 design, equipment selection, co湖女mmissioning tests, 雪討and warranted repair and 笑東maintenance.
c. Urban rail transit communic男嗎ation and signal eng湖錢ineering technical services 近飛Provide technical services 村空such as technical consultatio術鄉n, equipment, materia友靜ls, software, testing,錯南 union adjustment, commi近時ssioning, and maintenan自北ce.
d. Telecommunication E信車ngineering Technology Service習了s
The company has experienced communic的謝ations management per藍文sonnel, various type雜雜s of construction 遠銀equipment, engine白村ering construction 服刀equipment, engineering vehicles, and h子舞as strong engineering service implem信到entation capabilities. Satisfyin農商g customer business req舊輛uirements and optimizin上自g resource allo時時cation can be suitable to the diverse 身黃required of customers.
4. Operation and main討亮tenance services
Provides rail transpo到懂rtation communicati商吧ons, signal and in會通formation engineering equipme這做nt operation maintenance service跳輛s, telecommunicati店道ons operators communicatio門飛ns engineering equipment operati友在on maintenance services.
Shanghai Yingming Transporta友朋tion Technology Co., Ltd. all r市街ights reserved {Disclaimer}